You know how I was talking about juxtaposition? How about following up such a tremendous journey with a full day of "work" on 4 hours' sleep? LOLz.
There's a certain phrase bandied about, "The grass is always greener on the other side." I've heard it applied in so many ways, including in reference to relationships (and how it isn't... eventually), work (and how it isn't... eventually) and playtime (and how it isn't... eventually - getting the point?) But a new insight is that I appreciate vacation more for having a regular job and vice versa. Like not knowing how wonderful light is only in its absence, you have to have opposites (or dissimilarities) to appreciate. Again, comparisons are the key. They are the reference, the measuring stick and the opportunity for insight. (more...)
On the other hand, it is conceivable that you can appreciate something simply because you can. If you have the clarity of self to see what you have/do and like it for what is is, is it not possible to simply enjoy that without juxtaposing? I believe so.
If you believe your grass is green, then it is. 'Nuff said.
So now I am at home, enjoying the comfort of my well-chosen green couch, cat by my side, after a full day of work where I am appreciated and I appreciate it. I like spam, and it likes me.
Let's visit a moment from the road trip. Night in Cheyenne, and our new friend Tyler asked me, "So what does the rest of the country think of us in Wyoming?" My blank stare left room for him to elaborate. He continued, "You know, with all of the bad things that have happened here?" He gave me some details and I simply remarked, " I don't watch television, listen to the radio or listen to newspapers. I don't know what these things are and my own opinion, because I can't speak for everyone else, is that I like Wyoming, and everyone I have met so far. In addition, it's getting better all the time. I am having fun and I'm going to tell everyone about it." So there you have it, lots of beliefs wrapped in a tiny little conversation:
- What do other people think of me? (and how does that inform my own opinion of myself)
- I believe I am a good person and live with good people.
- What do you think of me/us?
I believe that every single person is distinct and different. Groupings and categorizations are unfair and unrealistic. Zoo figured this out, too. This is such a wonderful belief to reaffirm over and over while on the road. You meet the best people while holding this belief.
So, here is the real meat of this closing thought - you are what you believe. If you believe yourself to be open to new experiences, you will be. If you believe the gravel road under your wheels is the best possible path you can take at that moment, it will be. If you believe that the Amber Ale is crap and that the Stout is better (Zoo...), then so shall it be. And if you believe that you can do what you want to do and it will make you feel good... then you will feel like I do right now.