Life Is A Road Trip

The Amazing Adventures of a Zoobroker and a Sentiographer


Caitlynn's Bloody Mary Mix

south carolinazoobrokerComment

Ooops, we forgot ... last night Caitlynn offered us her super secret Bloody Mary Recipe ... here ya go! 4 oz Zing Zany Bloody Mary Mix 1 oz Guinness 1 oz Lime Juice 1 oz Lemon Juice 2 oz Absolute Peppar or other peppered vodka Tabasco to taste 1 clue that your boyfriend is cheating on you

Burn's Alley, Charleston, SC

bars, on the roadzoobrokerComment

You know those vacations that you plan with your friends for weeks ... every strip-club restaurant, every cougar haunt museum, every last detail ... you're doing it wrong. Seriously, just stop planning so much.

Well, I do say, Dr. Suess + William Shakespeare FTW.

When this is the sign for the bar you're walking in, you've done it right.

When this many fake ID's have been confiscated, there's bound to be some jailbait around ... thank you gods of the road trip!

We met Caitlynn (above) at the bar, which was well tended by TJ (below) ... Caitlynn had some spectacular freckles ...

A pretty reasonable cover band (wish we knew their name) gave us some tunes ... notably a passable cover of Radiohead's "Weird Fishes / Arpeggi".

Laughing + Smoking ...

And then, no surprise how the night ended ...

BBQ 2: Jim & Nick's Barbecue

on the roadMatt HillComment

A little time on Yelp yielded this walking-distance meatariffic gem of an establishment.

Um, it's bawls hot here and 9,000% humidity. "Walking distance" is relative and this was the limit, albeit worth it ;)

Popular, $2 domestic beers, $3 Margaritas. Say no more.

Zoo pays homage to the meat prior to digging in. Right after this, he bet me who could eat the most (we both got the same platter).

I winked for the love of barbecued meat.

"Platter" 2010, Giclee Print available for $400

"Sides" 2010, Giclee Print available, $350

I housed him, but he later mentions this whole "pound for pound, I beat you" bullshit line.

"Forlorn Pig" 2010, Giclee Print available on demand for BBQ trade.