Life Is A Road Trip

The Amazing Adventures of a Zoobroker and a Sentiographer

Now in Beta: Life 3.0

art, i wonder, new yorkMatt HillComment

Just got off the phone with Zoo and the recounting of his latest galavants, my own struggles to keep the work gears meshing with my artistic pursuits and constant practice of living that happy life made me consider writing this whole thing as the exciting beginning of a movie script. It sure sounds fucking fun. (grin) Well, it is. How many times have you re-evaluated, improved and upgraded your life? Seriously. I think I'm in a damn rut again and it's my own fault. Good thing is that I'm on it and the next road trip is only days away.... droooool. Gimme a break, gimme a break make me take some time off off to live real good!


(above: punkout wussyface)

But then again, there is always moments like this:

Now that's what I call the pursuit of happiness. And this opening is two nights prior to our departure.

So taking a check on past promises to self (from memory) that I would follow my wants I have to put a fat "X" on this one. Check. I have one awesome group of friends, family and supporters, too. Check. Healthy. Check.

So I'm beta-testing Life 3.0 on this RT to see how much further I can this this. Alpha build is done, time for some realtime debugging. Lemme know about your experiences in the comments, if you are so inclined.