Life Is A Road Trip

The Amazing Adventures of a Zoobroker and a Sentiographer


Road Trip: Makeover Edition

canadaMatt Hill3 Comments

Sometimes you just have to make a change. I've always wanted a mohawk. Zoo once had blonde hair. The results? fail


I handled all the voting. Zoo said my mohawk is called "the Blum."

Jasper is not a hopping town on a Monday night... I guess that's fortunate. If we go out to a bar looking like this, everyone might think we're a gay couple. Which we are not. Seriously.

Night Shots: Jasper, AB

canadaMatt HillComment

Tonight I braved the 19-degree (F) cold plus possibility for a bear mauling and broke out on my own to shoot some astral photography. day_04-5

Looked good in B/W, too.


Then the clouds rolled in and I tapped the brake lights a bit for local lighting. Hey, whatever it takes!


(apologies for the bad re-compression by Wordpress... the images are not icky like these show up...)

Skill Testing Required for Canadian Residents

canadaMatt HillComment

day_04-4 Ummm... You can't avoid the latest Toyota commercials right now. The premise of it is Canadians abroad who visit a Canadian theme park. Canadian hilarity ensues, including Shoot a Puck, Knit a Toque and this promotion with Tim Horton's. Which, by the way, it's the same here in Canada as it is in America:


We also have moose behind the police cars at our chain coffee houses. See him? 

OK, so on the coffee cup, the rules state:


"Skill testing question required for Canadian residents." Ahem, on to the website PDF.

Before being declared a winner, each Canadian selected entrant must first correctly answer, unaided, a time-limited, arithmetical, skill-testing question to be administered by telephone at a mutually convenient time. 

I am confused. You have to answer a math question to qualify? Perhaps Americans should consider this, too. "Hello? Yes - if a train leaving Sacramento at 11:15am approached a train leaving Los Angeles at 1pm..." We just have to be breathing to qualify.

(not) Curling in Kamloops

canadaMatt HillComment

curling-in-kamloops When we arrived last night in Kamloops, our hotel was right next to the Curling Center. I was excited! We went in and asked if we could learn/play/photograph. Warm reception - great people!

Alas, when we came back at 9am this morning (their suggestion), neither the Russian National Women's Curling Team or anyone else was there... Shucks. I really wanted to learn how to Curl.

Day 3: Another great road ... Whistler To Kamloops

canada, great roadszoobrokerComment

So we took 99 to 97 from Whistler to Kamloops, and I have to say, although it wasn't as remote as our previous "Greatest Roads On Earth", it was certainly a beautiful drive, even on a dreary day. [singlepic id=11 w=320 h=240]

The whole road is basically an avalanche or falling rock or flood zone. Beware.

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