Life Is A Road Trip

The Amazing Adventures of a Zoobroker and a Sentiographer


Beale Street Absinthe Room

tenneseezoobroker1 Comment

Beale Street in Memphis is pretty annoying .. total tourist trap. We checked it out for a minute or two before finding a nearly dead pool hall on the second floor. I love pool halls that you can smoke in, but it's a little strange they didn't have even one draft beer. What they did have was Absynthe. Absynthe and billiards seems like a strange combination, but Matt made it work. We were both rusty, we had one legit win in the first 6 games. I'm gonna go ahead and blame sobriety on that.

While were playing we met the nice folks at the table next to us. We got their names, but we only remember Megan, mostly because she was hot. Megan, if you're out there, remember, we'll totally spy on your boyfriend if necessary tonight.