It's 7:15 am, we've got 6 hours to make it to Glen Arbor ... should get there with plenty of time to get ready for the wedding ... goodbye Chicago!
from the road
Day 4: GPS
from the road, gpsCommentINSERT_MAP(300,400, 20090316101003
Day 3: GPS
canada, from the road, gpsCommentINSERT_MAP(300,400, 20090315133402.kml
Day 2: GPS
from the road, gpsCommentINSERT_MAP(300,400, 20090314115151.kml
1 down, 159 to go ...
bars, from the roadCommentThank you, everyone!
from the road, milestones, on the road, SpamZalot, ZoobrokerComment
From the myriad of people we met on the road, to our friends, fans and family back home, thank you all.
We'll be posting more very interesting stuff we just didn't have time to pull of while on the road in the next week or so, so keep checking. Plus, a super-secret special opportunity of a lifetime.
Leaving for home
from the roadCommentRegister to vote!
colorado, from the road, SpamZalot1 CommentDay Shots: Cheyenne to Denver
colorado, from the road, photography, SpamZalot, wyomingCommentAfter having morning coffee and blog time, I made my way over to The Wrangler. I was itchin' for some cowboy boots. Having never owner a pair, or even gonne into a western wear store, I was floored. Lookit all them boots!
More pics and stories after the break: I found just the right pair and a super-friendly Cheyenne-ite (whose sister live 7 miles from me in New York), rang me up and gave me some greta advice on driving to Denver.
See, it's Saturday and by Wyoming standards, there are lots of Saturday road-ragers on the highway, so she gave me a tip. We took a lesser-known highway.
It was like deja-vu. 65 mph, slow down to 50, then to 45, then 35, then a small town less than a mile long with a railroad and grain towers on the left, some seedy bar ond general store on the right, done and repeat.
There was this interesting creature, though. Methinks it's Zoo's id.
Today was a very short drive (by our standards), only 2 1/2 hours. So, we'rte back in Colorado and Denver again. Wow... Now to tear up this town for 2 or so days before flying to our homes. I'm certain we'll make some more indelible marks on this city, and perhaps visit Croc's again...
Closing the Loop
from the road, wyomingComment
Straight ahead lies the end of our long and stimulating loop o' fun. Road miles, road smiles.
Zoo says: According to National Geographic, the land area of Great Britain is 80823 square miles. Our loop enclosed a area roughly 3 times the size: 253000 square miles. But that's still less than 10 percent of the continental United States.